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Commissioner Vacancies

Faribault County Cities Under 10,000 Commissioner

The Faribault County Cities Under 10,000 Commissioner seat is a two-year appointment on the Region Nine Development Commission. The Commission, a unit of government itself, consists of leaders from local governments across South Central Minnesota and commissioners who represent public interests such as youth, minority populations, and health and human welfare. It directs Region Nine staff members who work with and on behalf of local units of government to address economic, social, physical, and governmental concerns of a regional nature

Meets: Quarterly. Typically held on Wednesdays from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.

Staff Contact: Nathan George, Communications Specialist

Faribault County Townships Commissioner

The Faribault County Townships Commissioner seat is a two-year appointment on the Region Nine Development Commission. The Commission, a unit of government itself, consists of leaders from local governments across South Central Minnesota and commissioners who represent public interests such as youth, minority populations, and health and human welfare. It directs Region Nine staff members who work with and on behalf of local units of government to address economic, social, physical, and governmental concerns of a regional nature

Meets: Quarterly. Typically held on Wednesdays from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.

Staff Contact: Nathan George, Communications Specialist

Le Sueur County Townships Commissioner

The Le Sueur County Townships Commissioner seat is a two-year appointment on the Region Nine Development Commission. The Commission, a unit of government itself, consists of leaders from local governments across South Central Minnesota and commissioners who represent public interests such as youth, minority populations, and health and human welfare. It directs Region Nine staff members who work with and on behalf of local units of government to address economic, social, physical, and governmental concerns of a regional nature

Meets: Quarterly. Typically held on Wednesdays from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.

Staff Contact: Nathan George, Communications Specialist

Blue Earth County Cities Under 10,000 Commissioner

The Blue Earth County Cities Under 10,000 Commissioner seat is a two-year appointment on the Region Nine Development Commission. The Commission, a unit of government itself, consists of leaders from local governments across South Central Minnesota and commissioners who represent public interests such as youth, minority populations, and health and human welfare. It directs Region Nine staff members who work with and on behalf of local units of government to address economic, social, physical, and governmental concerns of a regional nature

Meets: Quarterly. Typically held on Wednesdays from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.

Staff Contact: Nathan George, Communications Specialist

High School Age Youth Commissioner

The High School Age Youth Public Interest Commissioner seat is a two-year appointment to represent high school-aged youth in Region Nine

Meets: Quarterly, typically held on Wednesdays from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.

Staff Contact: Nathan George, Communications Specialist