TRUE Tuesdays: a Zoom series hosted by the Transforming Rural Understanding of Equity (TRUE) Partnership
SESSION Eight: Arts, Equity and Rural Minnesota
Part 3 of a 3 Part Series—Interviews with Social Justice Workers
March 2, 2021 2:30 – 4:00 pm Registration Link:
Rural Minnesota Social Justice Champions and Equity Advocates, please join us for a series of interactive explorations to identify, nurture, model and advance actions that support a rural Minnesota that is safe, inclusive and prosperous for all.
Offered free of charge by the TRUE Partnership*, our intention to host a future in-person gathering that builds on the relationships and co-learning created during this time of physical distancing.
Hosted by Camille Caster-Cyprian, moderated by Gail Anderson, with guest speakers Cicelia Cornejo and Amoke Kubat
Working toward equity begins with embracing differences. The arts can help communities overcome resistance, open imaginations toward creative problem-solving, and build empathy among different people in an area. The arts can create a sense of belonging that anchors residents to a place. In this TRUE Tuesdays session, we will hear from two Minnesota artists who have experience using arts for transformation, and from a leading arts organization on how you can start integrating art into your equity work.
* TRUE Partnership is an informal alliance of organizations: Blandin Foundation, Center for Community Vitality U of M Extension, Minnesota Council on Foundations, Minnesota Humanities Center, Region Five Develop-ment Commission, Region Nine Development Commission, Southwest Initiative Foundation, and Voices for Racial Justice, Willmar Area Community Foundation
For more information, please contact Becky at