March E-Newsletter

There is an increasing trend of workers choosing to delay retirement, whether out of economic necessity or by choice.
“Public policy has encouraged workers to stay on the job longer,” shared Kristian Braekkan, Region Nine’s Senior Regional Planner.


January E-Newsletter

Learn 5 creative ideas for community engagement, share your story on broadband, and more in the latest issue of Region Nine’s E-News. 

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Madelia Comprehensive Plan Open for Review

The draft of the Madelia Comprehensive Plan is ready for public review. The process started in January 2017 with an online community survey, a series of community engagement events and city council meetings. The draft document represents the culmination of all the public input and community effort.

Citizens are encouraged to review the document by visiting Madelia’s website at The draft document can be downloaded and comments may be submitted directly to City Hall through January 22, 2018.  A hard copy of the draft is available at City Hall or the Madelia Branch Library.

After public review, the draft will undergo a public hearing process and be considered by City Council for adoption on January 22, 2018.

Questions and comments on the Madelia Comprehensive Plan can be directed to Madelia City Administrator, Jane Piepgras by phone at (507) 642-3245 or e-mail at

November E-Newsletter

What have we been up to at Region Nine Development Commission? Find out in the latest edition of our e-news!

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October 2017 E-Newsletter

Region Nine Awarded First Ever Agriculture Resilience Planning Grant

October 4, 2017 – The Federal Economic Development Administration has awarded Region Nine Development Commission funding to develop and implement the first ever South Central Minnesota Agriculture Resilience Plan.

The project will build on completed regional planning initiatives previous done by Region Nine and work towards creating a cohesive strategy for resilient agriculturally based communities across the region. This will lead to the capitalization on new opportunities and creation of jobs to diversify and strengthen the local economy.

“Agriculture is undoubtedly a major player in economic development in our region,” stated Nicole Griensewic Mickelson, executive director of Region Nine. “This project will provide insight into how the region can become more sustainable. Resiliency is key in ensuring the nine counties of south central Minnesota continue to thrive.”

The funding award was matched by local partners to complete the planning project. Local partners who provided matching funds or in-kind match include Minnesota Department of Agriculture, Minnesota State University, Mankato and the Southern Minnesota Center of Agriculture/South Central College.

“South Central College Farm Business Management Education, along with our Southern MN Center of Agriculture, are committed to improving the economic vitality in our rural communities and increasing positively the farm resilience across the region,” shared Brad Schloesser, executive director Southern Minnesota Center of Agriculture and Dean of Agriculture. “This is great support for strong programs that are needed now at an ever demanding rate.”

“Food and agriculture are the backbone of Minnesota’s economy,” said Matthew Wohlman, Deputy Commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Agriculture. “We’re pleased to partner with Region Nine and others to ensure that we strengthen our rural economy, add more value to our farm products, and create good paying jobs.”

“We are appreciative and proud to be able to bring this innovative project to the region with the support of our partners,” expressed Griensewic Mickelson. The project will begin in the winter of 2017 and will conclude in late 2018.

Forum on Race Visits St. Peter

ST. PETER, MINN. – St. Peter residents came together for a community conversation on race Wednesday night. The Region Nine Development Commission has teamed up with the YWCA of Mankato and the Greater Mankato Diversity Council to host forums in seven rural towns in South Central Minnesota. 

Local study aims to adapt to climate change

MANKATO — Pick a calamity — drought, flooding, pathogens, parasites, tornadoes, wildfires — and you are likely to see more of them in the coming years as climate change continues to alter south-central Minnesota.